Monday, January 21, 2013


Good day my friends.  Hope everyone is staying warm.  It is 20 below zero here.  I am sooooo ready for warmer weather.  40 degree days are going to feel like a heat wave when you have this cold of weather.  I just wanted to post a little spot in my cozy little depot that I did today.
Easter will be here before you know it.  So here is what I did.  I have always loved show and tell how bout you?  I found an old, old children's fables book, which if you ever read children stories from years ago they are actually frightening!  I would never think of reading some of those stories to my grandchildren for fear they would get nightmares.  So, anywhoooo, as I was thumbing (this must be my word of the week or something) I came across an picture of wabbits!
I thought to myself, BINGO!  This would be cool to use with my wabbit.  So there you have it.  I took a few more photos but for some dang reason I could not get them to download.  I will keep trying to give you another angle.  Well, I guess that I'd better get some supper ready for the Mr..  I think it's going to be a soup night.  Ta ta for now.
No I'm not related to Babwa Wawters.


A Primitive Homestead said...

Pretty rabbit decor, Blessings! Lara

Lesa said...

I'm saving your picture for Easter decoration inspiration. Thanks!

Elizabeth Johnson said...

Oh I love vintage children's illustrations. They often look sweeter than the actual story.

Lynne said...

Lovely illustrations and decor.

Try downloading Windows Live Writer (assuming you're using a Windows based computer). It's free. I use if for nearly all my posts; photos upload quickly and I rarely have trouble sending it to my Blogger account!

Anonymous said...

Love your rabbit under the bell jar and pared with that illustration, it is perfect!
I think some countries used fairytales as a form of mental warfare on kids minds to make them behave. Kind of like "the moral of the story" on steroids! lol I sure wouldn't go wandering into the wood leaving bread crumbs after learning of a witch who might want to eat me!
Have a wonderful day! Babwa ;-)

okcamp said...

Very pretty! It's frigid here too, -6 and snowing. The schools were canceled across most of the Western UP. Too cold for the kiddos to be outside waiting for the buses.

Laura Quaglia (Fun With This and That) said...

I need one of them glass domes.
Spring looks a long way away where I live.