Hello my friends. And welcome to my newest friends. Alyssa from www.decoratingduchess.com blog nominated me for the Liebster Award. I am so honored. I will do my best to follow the rules for nominees. I also want to give a big thank you to Brenda from www.cozylittlehouse.com blog who hosts a welcome wagon party each Friday. She chose my blog as one of a few others to visitto try to give new bloggers a way to get their name out there and hopefully gather more new friends to your blog. If you have a chance stop by and check out her blog.
What is the Liebster Award?
The Liebster award is given to up and coming bloggers with 200 or less followers. What is a Leibster you ask? Well, I did not know either and I'm German. It means sweetest, nicest, kindest, dearest, lovely, beloved, valued, lovely, pleasant, cute, endearing and welcome. What a beautiful word.
The rules for the Liebster Award nominees.....
1. Each person must list 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the 11 questions the tagger has set for you. And then you set 11 questions for the 11 taggers you selected for the Liebster Award to answer.
3. Choose 11 people and link them in your post.
4. Go to their page and tell them.
So here is 11 things about me....
1. I am the mother of 4 wonderful boys (well, they are young men now...sigh...)
2. I have the most wonderful husband! Tried to download a pic of us two lovebirds, but I guess I will have to post one at a later time.
3. My husband and I were owners and operators of a Bed and Breakfast called "Stoney Creek Farm Bed and Breakfast" We ran that for 6 years and figured it was eating up to much of our time. It really is a 24/7 job.
4. I was a nurse for 8 years and decided it was way to much stress for me. It had got to the point of where I was not sleeping, and affecting my heart and health. And no I do not miss it one bit.
5. My husband and I love to fix up old homes. Our first home fixer upper was one that every person that knew us thought we were crazy and should of burnt the home down and just put up a new one. Well we proved them all wrong(don't you just love when you can prove others wrong?). Anywho, we had revamped (I know that's not the work Im looking for) into a beautiful bed and breakfast. The top picture above was also on the property behind the main b and b (which is the bottom pic) used to be an old chicken coop which we renovated (here is the word I was looking for earlier) into a cabin. For a full tour of our former bed and breakfast you can go to an older post here and look up tour of our farmhouse.
6. Remember I said that we renovate old homes? Well this one is the one that's going to do us in I think. Its our last hurrah as they say. It was never a home but an old 158 year old flour mill that we had moved to a property that we own just down the road from where it originally sat. The previous owners were going to burn it to the ground and well we just couldn't see that happening. We are working on this as the weather permits and the money too I guess. But as we go I post pics of progress on this jewel. Remember right now IT DOES NOT SHOW WELL! But it will! I cant wait to decorate this palace!
7. We just recently renovated and are now living in an old railroad depot in the town of Gotham, Wisconsin. I have been posting pictures of my interior decorating in our new cozy little home. When the Mill is finished and we can finally call it our home, this Little Depot will become a tourist's rental cabin.
8. I love to decorate. I have always wanted to decorate homes since I can remember. As a child I remember gathering leaves and making a large map on the ground of all the rooms in my house and playing inside the mock walls. I also remember whenever babysitting for someone, I would have the house spiffed up and rearranged when they got home. I have also decorated a few homes of clients.
9. I also have a 4500 S.F. store called Yore ( as in days of yore, time gone by). I had a thing for primitives and our store carries lots of farmhouse cabinets and cupboards, and home accents. I am in the process of switching things up a bit there too. Due to the economy I plan to do consignments and rent a few booth spaces with only nice things in the store. You can check out my store at www.yorecountryhome.com to take a tour of my business.
10. I love to plant roses! Just can't wait til the weather warms up and I can start adding some flower gardens to spruce up the outside of the depot a bit.
11. Last but not least....I love, love, love junking! As you will see in some of my past posts, I love to share a few of my finds. Nothing like getting things dirt cheap or repurposing something old to something useful. And I am a rug hooker. I have not been active in this craft for about a year now due to persuing other projects at the moment. But I love to design my own rugs. While I was so hooked on the primitive look, I made a few designs that reflected my taste. Now I like the lighter look of interiors with a touch of farmhouse, French look.
O.k. now that that part is finished I have to answer 11 questions given to me by Alyssa at www.decoratingduchess.com .
1. When and why did you start your blog?
I started my blog August, 2012. I had so many curious friends asking all sorts of questions about the railroad depot and old mill renovations that I thought it would be easier for them to see our progress though my blog. And as you already know I love decorating and love to post to others in hopes that I may give a few ideas to others along the way.
2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Hmmmm, this is a toughy. I love living where I am at, but would love to have a lake home. I love water. The sea or ocean is something I have always been drawn to but do not wish to live near this massive body of water due to hurricanes. Living around here is beautiful. Large hills, beautiful seasons, and lots to do here.
3. What does your dream house look like? Well, it WILL look like something no one else has! My husband and I love unique, different things, including homes. As you seen earlier the before picture of our dream home.
4. What are your current favorite T.V. shows?
Oh, I love 2 broke girls, and the New Normal. I just love the humor that these shows have. Oh, then there is Mike and Molly, and last but not least Whittney. I love twisted sence of humor and a good laugh!
5. Do you have a special talent, what is it? I guess I would have to say interior decorating is my talent at least that's what I have been told by many. I had many tell me that I should be contacting magazines to have them write articles about my homes. Well I am a modest person and thought that that was just to intimidating for me. Maybe after I'm done decorating the depot and the mill. Who knows.
6. What is the favorite room in your house and why?
I guess that would have to be the great room for now, just because I can do so much more decorating and changing of things here than anywhere else in this depot. It has 12 foot ceilings which makes it seem more open and has plenty of natural light.
7. If you could make one major change in your life what would it be? To exercise more, loose a few pounds and quit biting my nails!
8. If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money?
I have always said that I would help less fortunate. My sons would have homes paid for, and I would donate to homeless shelters and neighbors that just needed help paying bills due to medical issues. Nothing gives me more pleasure than giving! And I guess I would love to take my whole family on a trip of a lifetime somewhere. Ahhhh, dreams......
9. If you were an animal, what would you be and why? No brainer here.... I would love to be my dog Cooper. He is a silver lab and very spoiled.
10. Have you done something in your life that is unusual or that you think most people haven't done? what is it? Well, I guess that might be renovating an old flour mill and a railroad depot at the same time. I cant say that many folks have done that.
11. What was the best experience of your life? Having my first baby and having a first grandchild which was a little girl. What a treasure. Oh, I forgot to mention that I have 6 grandchildren.
Now that that is out of the way, here are my 11 nominees for the Liebster Award
1. Hillary @ www.threadedlife.net
2. Linda @ Rabbit Knaw Cottage www.islambertson.blogspot.com
3. Cynthia Lee @ www.cynthialeedesigns.blogspot.com
4. Betty @ www.betty-southerngrace.com
5. Sherri @ www.rustiquegallery.blogspot.com
5. Sherry @ www.birdladyblog.blogspot.com
6. Karen@ www.karendorcas.com
7. Mary @ www.labellavitadesignandinspiration.blogspot.com
8. Diane @ www.okcamp.blogspot.com
9. Quinn @ www.comptonia.blogspot.com
10. At Rivercrest Cottage @ www.theothermeissane.blogspot.com
11. Kristi @ www.thethriftygypsy.blogspot.com
O.K. Girls, Hope you enjoy this project as much as I did. Here is a list of the 11 questions from me to you to answer....
1. What is your favorite recipe?
2. What style of decorating would you call your home?
3. If you could sit and talk to anyone in the world, who would it be?
4. If you could be anyone else for a day, who would it be?
5. Name one bad habit that you have.
6. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?
7. What is the most exciting thing that has happened to you in your life.
8. Do you believe in ghosts?
9. What was one of the most embarrassing moments you can think of?
10. What is your favorite past time?
11. Why did you start blogging?
So glad to hear more about you. How romantic it must be to live in an old railroad depot. Good luck on your renovations. I can't wait to see more of your home.
Alyssa @ thedecoratingduchess
Wow! Ok, you win, hands down. Your mill is in a dreadful state. But oh, so much potential! I can't wait to read updates on your renovation.
You are so interesting! I found you on Cozy Little House, and then had to come back and visit again. I Look forward to visiting your blog and seeing what you are up too. Oh my, that old mill....unbelievable!
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