Tuesday, May 31, 2016


     Some days I just have to shake my head at my husband!  A few nights ago we meandered around on our property here at the mill to enjoy the quite, peaceful sounds of summer.  Gazing at our renovated flour mill house as it was a sight with each window adorned by a single lit candle light, my husband turned to our other delapitated  structures amongst our property.

     I just knew what he was thinking!  Ross had his wheels turning (look out!).  He started talking about our pre civil war house on our property, just a short distance from our  mill house.  I am thinking to myself, I just know he's going to say it!  So I said it.....Don't even think about it Mr. Halverson!  We have not even finished the mill yet.  He said it.....Never say never!  It can be done.....we just start by doing this and that and the other thing.  I had to remind him that we do not have the budget for this very delapitated house.

     On this property besides this pre civil war house, there is also an old greenhouse.  The last person to ever live in that house, was born and raised there.  He never married nor had children.  He used this greenhouse to raise and sell geraniums.  I have in my plans someday to fix up this old greenhouse.  I called dibs on this structure when we purchased this property!  This gentleman who resided on this property was also a blacksmith.  Yes, this property also has an old blacksmith shop which is also delapitated.  My husband called dibs on that structure.

     In fact he has managed to clean out one side of the blacksmith shop.  This property is very unique and we are very blessed to own it.  Right now we are just dreamers and can only imagine and visualize all the possibilities in which to make these other buildings beautiful again.  This is where the need to win the lottery comes in to play, hahaha!

     We are on a very strict budget and now the only way these structures can come to be again is by winning the lottery.  So in the meantime, we dream, and dream big!  Here are some photos of the old house, greenhouse, and blacksmith shop.

This is the pre civil war homestead on our property not far from the mill house.  The siding on this house has asbestos on it and would cost a fortune to remove it.  Underneath is this beautiful, weathered white clapboard.

This is the blacksmith shop.  Half side is almost cleaned out, but oy vay ! look at the mess in the other side!

Remnants left inside of this blacksmith shop just as they were left from the previous owner.

Entrance to greenhouse.  My dog Cooper thinking I am going to open the door for him to go in and check it out before I enter.  He is our security dog, lol!  Love this old dutch door that upper can open alone.  Has a really cool outer garden area that would be beautiful to have a few chairs, table, benches or whatever.

Here is a view of the asbestos covered greenhouse.  Oh, the possibilities!


Anonymous said...

What a property with such possibilities! I understand the need to win the lottery. Looks like a lot of time, work, and money will be needed. But beauty is created over time. Looking forward to following along your journey.

Deserae said...

Oh yes, we need to win the lottery too....so much to do, so little time! You have some amazing buildings on your property. I will admit I am green with envy ;o) I can't wait to see which one you tackle next!!!