Monday, January 7, 2013

One thing leads to another

Ido believe that I have a bad case of insomnia.  I woke up the crack of dawn, had my coffee,and then decided to start cleaning the great room.  Well, one thing had led to another.  By the time I finished the whole room had been rearranged.  I know that I still need something for both sides of the wall behind sofa and I still need to redo the fireplace mantel which I also moved.  I added a narrow desk in a corner near sofa with an angle to it just so .  I finally had to tell myself thats enough, have to do book work now.


A Primitive Homestead said...

very unique coffee table. Desk in corner looks perfect. Blessings! Lara

Linda van Reenen said...

I need "One thing leads to another" in my entire house. Thanks for the inspiration. Every blessing